Rogue Overland

Be. Live. Explore.

RotoPax Fuel and Water Storage

When it comes to fuel and water storage on the trail there is one brand that I stand by and use, RotoPax.  These roto-molded storage containers are extremely rigid and durable. I have tortured mine with hundreds of miles of off-road trail use and not once have they leaked a drop of fuel. I use both the fuel and water containers in my rig, however Rotopax makes a few other storage pax options that all use the same mounting system. The Pax Mounts are extremely versatile and mountable just about anywhere you can dream up. They offer several variations of the Pax Mounts that even include a lockable unit that keeps your tank secure while your vehicle is left unattended. There are multiple sizes available of the water and fuel packs, I use the 2 gallon pax for water and fuel with my setup. If you are still using the old school jerry cans and water containers that slosh and leak everywhere do yourself a favor and upgrade to some RotoPax, I promise you will not be disappointed. You can check these products out at and order from 

-Andrew of Rogue Overland


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